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Level 2

InstallShield not updating registry??

Whenever i exec my .msi setup program produced by installshield everything installs fine except for the fact that the registry entries, which i imported from a .reg file, are not being updated on the target machine. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on? Below is the .reg file im importing and using within my installation project

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{b84ca702-35a8-4e67-8d2a-6c2807b297d3}]






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(2) Replies
Level 2

does anyone know how i can inform installshield that the target machine is x64 or x86?
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Level 7

hello there if you want to get the system details you can use the properties value and in precise if you want to get the version you can use property versionNT which will give you the system details wether it is 32 bit or 64 bit
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