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Level 3

InstallShield 2018 and 2014 on one computer

I have installed InstallShield 2014 Proffesional Edition and I would like to install 2018 Proffesional edition on the same machine. And also standalone vesions on another? I need during short period both versions.
Can I install Installshield 2018 Proffesional Edition on computer with Installshield 2014 Proffesional Edition ?
Can I install InstallShield 2018 Standalone Build Developer on computer with InstallShield 2014 Standalone Build Developer version (only for builds)?

Best regards
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Level 10

You should be able to do both. It has always been the case that multiple versions of InstallShield can co-exist on the same machines. InstallShield and its installation defaults allow for multiple versions to be installed on a single machine. Their INSTALLDIRs and registry keys are used to separate the files and settings from each other. While the following was excerpted from the InstallShield 2018 Release Notes, it applies to prior versions as well.

Installing More than One Edition of InstallShield
Only one edition of InstallShield 2018—Premier, Professional, or Express—can be installed on a system at a time. In addition, the InstallShield 2018 DIM Editor cannot be installed on the same machine with any edition of InstallShield 2018.

Microsoft Visual Studio can be integrated with only one version of InstallShield at a time. The last version of InstallShield that is installed or repaired on a system is the one that is used for Visual Studio integration.

Installing More than One Version of InstallShield
InstallShield 2018 can coexist on the same machine with other versions of InstallShield.

The InstallShield 2018 Standalone Build can coexist on the same machine with other versions of the Standalone Build. In most cases, the Standalone Build is not installed on the same machine where InstallShield is installed.
If you do install both on the same machine and you want to use the automation interface, review the Installing the Standalone Build and InstallShield on the Same Machine topic in the InstallShield Help Library to learn about special registration and uninstallation considerations.

Some things to keep in mind:
  • At any given point in time, an InstallShield project (.ism file) is of a certain version and can only be worked on in the correcponding version. If you upgrade a project, a copy of the old project is retained (renamed) and the .ism file can then work with the InstallShield version that you just upgraded to.
  • Projects cannot be downgraded, so if you think you mae need to work on an older project with an older version of InstallShield, don't delete the backup (or hang on to the .ism file in backup folders on your system.
  • The last version of InstallShield that was either installed or repaired will be the default "owner" of the .ism file-type extension. To open different version project files in different versions of InstallShield, you won't be able to double-click on the .ism file. You'll have to be in the corresponding version of InstallShield and do a "File | Open".

  • 0 Kudos
    Level 3

    Thank you very much
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