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Level 3

InstallShield 2012 Spring does not show up in VisualStudio 2012 SP3

I upgraded my Visual Studio 2012 to SP3 about 2 weeks ago. Today I decided to download the InstallShield 2012 Spring Express edition and install it. I am finding that the InstallShield project is not showing up in the "Add/Create" projects menu under "Other Projects"... there is not Install and Deployments section.
When I open Visual Studio 2010 on this same computer I do find the proper project section and InstallShield 2012 shows up and I can create a project using it.

Why didn't it show up in Visual Studio 2012 SP3?
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(8) Replies
Level 17

If I remember correctly, Visual Studio 2012 uses a slightly different organization for its New Project dialog box than Visual Studio 2010. For Visual Studio 2012, I think that the path in the left navigation is Installed > Templates > InstallShield Express projects. Do you see anything like that in Visual Studio 2012 SP3?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I do not see the InstallShield in any project area... see attached picture of VS2012 SP3 project templates.
I also attached the VS2010 project templates to show it is installed on my computer.
0 Kudos
Level 17

It sounds like you downloaded the Limited edition of InstallShield 2012 Spring, not the Express edition. The Limited edition has its own private community forum for questions. I'll have this thread moved to that community forum.

In the meantime, you may want to try to run this command line to make sure that InstallShield Limited Edition is set up to be integrated with Visual Studio:
TSConfig.exe /registervsip

TSConfig.exe is in the following location:
InstallShield Program Files Folder\2012SpringLE\System

Make sure that you launch cmd.exe as administrator.

If that does not work, you may want to try running a repair of InstallShield 2012 Spring Limited Edition from Add or Remove Programs.

I hope that helps.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ran that command and it does not seem to do anything. I still donot see the template in VS2012.
0 Kudos
Level 17

Are you using the Express edition of Visual Studio 2012? Visual Studio Express Edition does not have support for integration with InstallShield.
0 Kudos
Level 3

It is VS 2012 Premium (see pic of all version info). BTW, I tried the "add/remove programs Repair" option as well as uninstalling and reinstalling InstallShield.
0 Kudos
Level 17

The problem is that the Setup and Deployment folder is missing under the Other Project Types folder in your Visual Studio 2012. The folder should exist and contain the Enable InstallShield Limited Edtion item before you install the InstallShield 2012 Spring Limited Edition. In order to get it fixed, you may want to try uninstalling the InstallShield Limited Edition, and then running a repair of the Visual Studio 2012 from Add or Remove Programs.
0 Kudos
Level 3

So, I uninstalled InstallShield LE and ran the repair process for VS 2012 Update 3. The missing project template folder returned and the Enable InstallShield .... option was in place. After I ran the installer for InstallShield LE, there was no option for InstallShield in the project templates and the Setup and Deployment template folder was missing...

It seems to me that the installer for InstallShield LE does not know how to add the project template to VS2012 Premium Update 3.

Can I manually cause this template to show up through some config file or registry setting?
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