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Level 7

InstallScript Sequence Question

Hello, I have an InstallScript question. I have written an InstallScript project to do some fairly basic things. It copies files to a directory I get from the Registry, plus runs some SQL scripts by utilizing the LaunchApplication function and a .cmd file which calls the sqlcmd utility. My question/problem is that I do not want the files copied to the target computer until I execute a SQL script that checks a version column in a table in a specific database.

What the installer presently does, is copy the files to the target computer before executing the SQL scripts. Then, when I detect that the version is not the correct version by running a SQL script and force the installation to quit, the files have already been copied to the target computer which is not what I want.

Is there anyway to force the execution of my SQL scripts so that my little version checking SQL script fires before any of the files get copied to the target computer?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Flexera Alumni

Perhaps use an early event such as OnBegin or OnAppSearch for your custom requirements testing?
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