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Level 6

InstallScript MSI -- Setup Launcher Unicode has stopped working -- IS 2014

It appears that this is still an issue in InstallShield 2014.

One of our old Installs is an InstallScript MSI install. In IS 2013 it worked correctly.

We installed the IS 2014 SAB on a new machine and built the install project and started getting "Setup Launcher Unicode has stopped working" errors.

We installed the IS 2013 SAB on the same machine and used the 2013 backup of the install and built it using the IS 2013 SAB. Now it works correctly without "Setup Launcher..." errors.

SysInternals tells me that there is some sort or access violation. The event viewer also flags it, but I can't find anything substantive in the MSI log.

For some reason the InstallScript debugger does not work.

Is this a known or acknowledged issue?
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(6) Replies
Level 6

I am recreating this on Windows 7 x64, but not on Win2k8 R2 x64.
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

There was a similar issue with InstallScript MSI projects that should have been resolved through IS 2014 SP1. Are you building with standalone build of IS 2014 SP1? If not, can you try building from the IS 2014 SP1 IDE instead and see if this issue still occurs?

If building with SP1 still does not resolve this behavior, are you able to reproduce this issue on Windows 7 with a test project that contains one feature, one component, and one file (we are unable to do so with a test project on Windows 7 x64)?

If a test project does not reproduce the behavior, the issue may be project specific. In this case, what type of release are you building (CD-ROM, Network, single setup.exe, etc.)? Does building with a different release type change the behavior? If you have any script code in the project, does replacing this script with a default script change the behavior?
0 Kudos
Level 6

This is an issue with either the IDE or the Standalone Build of IS 2014 SP1.

I cannot reproduce this with a test project with one feature, one component, and one file.

The install still has a "Setup Launcher Unicode has stopped working error" with different release types.

The most significant thing to me is that I can take this project built with InstallShield 2014 SP1 that crashes and revert it to InstallShield 2013 and it installs without crashing. (i.e. without the "Setup Laucher Unicode... issue).


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Level 8


Can you try to get the setup bootstrap log to see if anyhitng is getting logged from the setup.exe while launching ?

To get the setup.exe boot strapper log try something like this:

setup.exe /debuglog"c:\SetupDebug.log"
0 Kudos
Level 6

Has anyone figure out a resolution? I have tried some of the missing folder suggestions but nothing seems to work. We upgraded from 2012 Spring to 2014 and get this error. It appears like from the other threads this has been around for a long while and yet no resolution. Grrrrr
0 Kudos
Level 6

I removed the SP1 to see if that fixes anything but unfortunately I get the same error. I created a test InstallscriptMSI project with 1 feature, 1 component and 1 file and that installed successfully. So something happens during the upgrade of an old project to the new one. I will try creating a new project and slowly add the configuration to the new one instead of upgrading. This won't be desirable to do for all my projects, if it works of course.
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