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Level 4

InstallScript Dialog help

I've used IS 2008 Pro Basic MSI project types for about a year, and now I'm about to start using Install Script project types. Right off the bat I noticed a few big differences. Primarily with the SQL scripts. Since most of my projects have dealt with databases this is a big area where I do my work. Specifically allowing users to name the database and create users and other fun stuff.
So my questions are more of being a n00b to install script projects than they are about IS. The two big things I'm looking to get answered are, how do I control the dialog sequencing and how do I set the control's property value on dialog's, so that they can be used to replace strings in my SQL scripts.
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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Dialog sequencing is handled by dialog-box-function calls in OnFirstUIBefore, OnMaintUIBefore, OnFirstUIAfter, and the rest.

Where MSI associates dialog controls with properties, InstallScript associates them with InstallScript variables; and you might look into text substitution or FeatureSetTarget to associate a expression with a value, and use in your InstallScript project in many of the ways you would use [SOMETHING] in MSI...
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Level 4

Are there any guides or example walk-throughs out there? The help library isn't that helpful.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Are there any tutorials for creating custom dialogs in an InstallScript project? Specifically how to code the installscript functions to navigate the back and next buttons, or any button.
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Level 17

Please see the sample chapter in the InstallShield 2008 InstallScript training manual:

The sample chapter is on creating custom dialogs.

Debbie Landers
Macrovision Corporation
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