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Level 6

Install all files found in a directory?

Hi All

My current project is to automate the installer creation process so that if just a few files are updated I or anyone can just click a shortcut & a new installer is created.

One problem which I'm not sure how to crack is that I want to have my installer install all files from a few directories on a server. I don't want the building of the installer to fail if there is a new, renamed or removed file. How can I do this?

My project is build using a Basic MSI project.
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(3) Replies
Level 6

oh found it, Dynamic File linking. 🙂 But I have a new question. Is there a way to programmaticly set the source folder?
0 Kudos
Level 6

I'm pretty sure you can do this with the InstallShield build automation. Check here for some infos:
0 Kudos
Level 8

you can also set any of your Path Variables used by your installer project from the command line when doing a command line build.

I do this through a batch file for building the installers after using the msbuild command line to compile, since I won't know the source directory untill the build is complete. This also allows me to build on different machines with different directory structures by adjusting the .bat file.
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