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Level 4

Install Oracle Developer Forms 6i with InstallShield 2009 Pro


I spent the last couple of days in reading the user guide, white papers, installscript reference guide and so on, but I'm stuck on this...

What I want to do is to start a silent installation (with a response file) of Oracle Forms 6i. My idea was to aks the user for the oracle settings (home and path), save them in a response file and execute the setup.exe from the oracle installation with this file.

My first problem is that I don't know where to place my oracle installation files (there is no .MSI package for this). :confused:
Second - how to request the settings from the user and save them?

Any help would be appreciated :confused:

Thanks in advance,
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Level 4

:confused: Anyone? 😞 Please...
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Level 4

Such an easy question and no feedback... 😞
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Level 4


Are sure this is a legal to add any Oracle installation package to your installation?
As I know Forms 6i - this is a developer environment, why do you want to install it with your product?
Does Forms have any deployment package for your purposes?

Anyway, there are two ways to use external product:
1. Ask it like a prerequisite:
1.1. Verify if Forms is installed (generally you can find info in registry) - if not, ask to execute Forms setup (\Forms6isetup\setup.exe>
1.2. During your setup ask all necessary parameters and configure your environment using script or oracle tools command line.

2. Execute it like a silent installation with your parameters
2.1. During your setup ask parameters (how to do this? - depends on installshield project type you choose)
2.2. Last step of your installation - > Execute Forms setup with parameters in silent mode

I hope it help
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Level 4

Hi abrasha,

thanks for the answer. I think I got the idea.

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