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Level 4

Ignore Explorer.exe file in use in Basic MSI Package

Our Basic MSI Package installs some shell extensions and sometimes it prompts that Explorer.exe is in use and displays the File In Use dialog box. If the user then allows InstallShield to automatically close it their entire desktop and taskbar is lost which freaks out the users.

Is there any way in the Basic MSI Package to have Installshield not check the Explorer.exe so it doesn't try to close it?

I realize this will require a reboot but because of system printer drivers we also install a reboot is needed anyways.
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(3) Replies
Level 4

Bummer, no answers for this yet? I've searched the web and can't find it either but it's a huge problem because when it happens and Installshield closes the Explorer.exe the taskbar and icons are all closed also leaving a blank desktop. If the user would hit to reboot later then they are stuck with an unusable computer if they don't know to Ctl+Alt+Del to shut it down.
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Level 17

The MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL property lets you specify whether the Windows Installer package uses the Restart Manager or FilesInUse Dialog functionality. Have you tried it?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks. That does do it. I had tried it before but the post I found on it said to set it to "Disabled". You actually have to set it to "Disable" and then it works! It doesn't prompt the user to Close the Explorer.exe now but if say our program is running it does prompt the user to close that.

Thanks again!
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