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Level 3

If I create an RemoveFile entry under Windows 10, the installShield doesn't create the 8.3 name convention

If I create an RemoveFile entry under Windows 10, the InstallShield doesn't create the 8.3 name convention. So I get these Error message.

ISDEV : error -7354: The English (United States) value for string 'ID_STRING627' does not contain a legitimate value for table RemoveFile column FileName
Language English (United States) built.

Under Windows 7 there is not problem.

Under windows 10 the result is:

English (United States) ID_STRING627 LoggerConfigLib.dll Mo Jan/20/2020 09:05

Under Widows 7 the result is:

English (United States) ID_STRING629 LOGGER~1.DLL|LoggerConfigLib.dll Mo Jan/20/2020 09:17


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Level 7

IS 2019 R3, W10

Create a component NewComponent1

In Files put a name of file to be deleted  ABCDEFGHKL.abcde

Save this component.

Check table RemoveFile using Direct Editor.

You will see the correct name as:|ABCDEFGHKL.abcde

So, it does work even on W10.


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I try it with R3 and Windows 10 but it doesn't work.

The result is always "1234567891011121314.dll"

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