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Level 3

ISEXP : error : -6109: Internal build error

I'm having issues with this error while attempting to build within Visual Studio 2012 Premium. I had everything working with VS2010 & 2011LE. We're trying to get VS2012 going and I've installed VS2012 & 2012LE on the same machine and now when I compile I'm getting the above error. I know that the 2012LE that I installed was a beta from June of this year. I'm hopeful that this will be fixed in a full release out soon.
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(2) Replies
Level 3

Anyone have any updates on when 2012LE will be released and have bug fixes available. I'm pretty sure that this must be a bug with the 2012LE Beta for VS2012 which has RTM'd...
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Level 10

InstallShield2012LimitedEdition for Visual studio 2012 is still in the beta phase and the full release should be out soon.

Kindly let us know if you have referred the below Kb regarding the error 6109.

If the issue still persists then could you kindly share the sample project where you are encountering the error 6109 during build process so that we can investigate further.
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