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Level 4

IS2010 creates web.config file in IIS7 but does not remove it?

When a Basic MSI installer built using IS2010 that creates and configures a virtual directory in IIS is executed, it seems to create a web.config file in that directory, on Windows OSes with IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5 (i.e. Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, etc.). This web.config file contains some settings for that virtual directory, such as access permissions, the default document, etc. However, during uninstallation, the web.config file is not deleted and gets left behind.

Why does InstallShield leave behind a web.config file that it originally created on its own? Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a simple way to avoid this situation, other than through brute force means like forcing a deletion by adding an entry to the RemoveFile table or adding a dummy web.config file to the installer?

Thank you.
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I realize this thread is 3 years old, but I've noticed that this happens with InstallShield 2012 Spring. No one seem to have an answer to why it does it, or how to get the file to uninstall.
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Level 3

Bump, this is still occurring in IS 2021 R2.

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