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Level 7

IS2010 and Subversion

Hello, does anyone know if IS2010 will work with Subversion as a source control system?


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(6) Replies
Level 3

No, but we are planning to switch from SourceSafe to subversion.

So, I also want to know.

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Level 7

Hey Flo, just got off the phone with Acresso support and they referred me to a KB article that I had already seen outlining how InstallShield detects source control systems and showing how to set up Visual Source Safe. So, I believe that your answer is correct - no InstallShield does not work with SVN. If I figure out a way to make it work, I will post it here.

Best of luck to you in your conversion from VSS to SVN.

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Level 10

Subversion does not comply with the Microsoft Source Control Interface, so the InstallShield integration will not be there (menu items will be disabled). However you can use it externally through the Windows Explorer integration (I don't know if there are other tools, but I've used Tortoise with SVN). Just be sure your projects are stored in XML format (so you can do Diffs) and save all of your source files (the .ism, .rul, .sql, etc.).
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks for the information Dan, not exactly what I wanted to hear. So, basically if you want a source control system that can be integrated with the InstallShield IDE, you have to use MS Visual Source Safe is what I am gathering from your comments?

0 Kudos
Level 10

Not exactly, there are products other than VSS (or its successor, Team Foundation Server) that use the necessary interface (I know that PerForce does, and I think I heard that ClearCase does but I'm not sure). I do know that SubVersion does not though (nor does CVS). These are only the products that I've used or have heard about directly, you'd have to look into other product to find out their compatibility (or others on this forum way want to chime in).
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Level 8

I have have not tried since IS2010 came out but I know that it was not even compatible with the Team Foundation Server source control prior to that.

If this has changed and someone knows how to configure it, let me know.
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