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Level 2

IS2008 -vs- IS11: different behaviour?

Hi guys,
I'm using IS2008 and I've converted a IS11 Installscript MSI project (automatic IS2008 conversion).
In this project, there is a directory named "Config" with ID "FSD_FW_CONFIG" and parent directory "TARGETDIR".
In User Interface sequence the user can set the full-path of FSD_FW_CONFIG by a dialog and MSiSetTargetPath function.
In featureevents.rul there is a event "feature_Installed" that I've customized with a function that share (network share) FSD_FW_CONFIG directory.

My problem is that on IS11 IDE, in feature_Installed event the function MSIGetProperty correctly returns with the user set value, but on IS2008
the above function returns with default system value instead.

On IS dev server:

UI Interface behaviour:
- the dialog provide a default value "G:\Config" using MSIGetTargetPath
- The user set a custom value "D:\Config"
- a function MSiSetTargetPath set the "FSD_FW_CONFIG" value to "D:\Config"

IS11 behaviour in featureevents.rul on feature_Installed event
- a MSIGetTargetPath returns "D:\Config" value for "FSD_FW_CONFIG"
- a custom function creates a network share on directory "D:\Config"

IS2008 behaviour in featureevents.rul on feature_Installed event
- the MSIGetTargetPath returns "G:\Config" value for "FSD_FW_CONFIG"
- the custom function fails to create the network share because the "FSD_FW_CONFIG" returned value is incorrect.

There is anyone that knows if this behaviour is a new one or is an unwanted difference from IS11?
Have you some workaround idea?

Thanks a lot.
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(2) Replies
Level 2

But isn't there anyone that has experienced this strange behaviour with property value passage?
Is there anyone of IS helpdesk or support-team that can help me about?

Thanks in advance at all
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

This community doesn't have any response guarantees; if you're looking for that, please look into our paid support plans. That said, I don't see quite enough information to tell whether this is expected or not. I remain a little confused whether you reference target paths or property values, and at which points during the installation. Does e.g. changing from MsiGetTargetPath to MsiGetProperty make a difference?

If you read the migration related sticky posts at the top of the InstallShield 12 community, there's a lot of discussion about what changed between IS11.5 and IS12. Much of it has to do with availability of properties in certain scenarios. Perhaps if you simplify this down to the minimal code changes necessary to reproduce (i.e. start with a default OnFirstUIBefore, and add a hardcoded equivalent to your dialog-based change, add the minimum to feature_Installed event to verify this, and tell us exactly what code to add), it may become clear enough to be answered here.
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