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Level 4

IIS physical path of virtual

I'm trying to set the physical path of a virtual application to always be c:\program files\productioncode\DocManager\www no matter what the OS is (32 bit or 64 bit)
How do I do that?
Do I create a script defined folder? If so how do I set that up?

I'm using installshield 2010 premier

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(1) Reply
Level 7

It is not clear to me what you want to do. I assume the following: You install a web application for a specific website (which the user has selected) and need to set the physical directory for this application. If the user selects the website you can read the physical directory of this website from the applicationHost.config file (If it is IIS7 and later). This directory you must use as INSTALLDIR for your components. You can also install to a fixed directory, but you have to take care whether you use a 32bit or 64bit MSI installer on what kind of operating system. With a 64bit installer MSI uses folder redirection to install in the appropriate PrgramFiles Folder.
If this is not what you want to do please write a response.

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