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Level 3

Hyperlink misbehaving in HtmlDialog InstallShield2022 Premier Edition

Hi, I've found this strange behaviour while running the installer on different OS.

On Windows11 everything is fine, the hyperlink is recognized and clicking it opens the browser page as expected (i'm using <a href="..." target="_blank">...</a>).

On Windows10 the Hyperlink is recognized but clicking it doesn't do anything.

I've also tried removing the `target="_blank"` and handling the click event in installscript, but the event never triggered (Using an HTML Control on a Dialog (

My custom dialog is very similar with what is found in the examples CtrlGetUrlForLinkClicked Example (

Did you even encountered something like this?

Thanks in advance!




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Level 3

Hi fluzzi-csw,

did you find a solution?
I am currently upgrading my projects from IS 2020 to 2023 and are also now facing the same issue "the Hyperlink is recognized but clicking it doesn't do anything.". But for me it happens on both win10 and win11.

Unfortunately no, I moved away from that solution and started using MessageBox.

Not super happy with this solution but at least it works.

function ShowMessageAndRedirect(svText, svUrl, bAbort)
    MessageBox(svText, WARNING);
        "cmd.exe", "/C start " + svUrl,
    if bAbort then


Hm okay, intersting. I'll look into it. Thanks