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Level 2

How to validate an InstallScript project for Vista?


I have an InstallScript project migrated from IS 6 to IS 11 and then to IS 14 (IS 2008).
In IS 2008, I cannot use the "Build -> Validate -> Certified for Windows Vista..." menu because my project is not a MSI project.
So what are the other ways to validate my project for Vista, knowing that my setup must also be compatible with Win.2000 and XP?
1) Is there a way to migrate an InstallScript project to a MSI project?
2) If not, must we do the job "manually"?

Thanks in advance
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(3) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The build validators you are referencing primarily check table data of MSI files and are thus MSI specific. (They're also implemented in ways tied to the MSI format.) As I recall one of the requirements of the Vista Logo program is to use MSI, so if that's your goal, you will need to verify that requirement and reconsider your packaging strategy.

If instead you are looking for automated assistance aligning your package with the current view of best practices, the ICEs that aren't actually specific to MSI are checking data in your files. As a workaround to check your files, it would probably be easiest to add the files to a very rudimentary MSI install, build, and validate. You could then pay attention to the digital signature, manifest, and obsolete/deprecated API warnings, and ignore others as you saw fit.
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Level 7

pinchauret wrote:

I have an InstallScript project migrated from IS 6 to IS 11 and then to IS 14 (IS 2008).
In IS 2008, I cannot use the "Build -> Validate -> Certified for Windows Vista..." menu because my project is not a MSI project.
So what are the other ways to validate my project for Vista, knowing that my setup must also be compatible with Win.2000 and XP?
1) Is there a way to migrate an InstallScript project to a MSI project?
2) If not, must we do the job "manually"?

Thanks in advance

You may want to start with a repackage to an MSI and work from there.

reg, Henno
0 Kudos
Level 2


Thanks to both of you for your response.
I'm going to create a temporary MSI setup to test my files and will migrate my project to MSI later. 🙂

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