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Level 5

How to set a property during Installation/Uninstallation

Hi, I have a setup.exe to be installed or uninstalled. I can't build the setup.exe again through InstallShield 2008. I want to change one property defined in ISM file through setup.exe .

How can I set TITLE_CAPTIONBAR(used in ISM file) property during installation through command line by calling the build(Setup.exe).

Is thr any way to set this property during uninstallation also.

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(7) Replies
Level 4

Check the InstallShield Help under Setup.exe -> command-line parameters. You should also search the internet for "Msi command-line" (or something similar).

You simply need to pass "TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=some_value" as a parameter to MSI. Check those resources for the precise syntax.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks for reply.... I tried but it didn't work... I need to set the property through setup.exe not by .Msi. TITLE_CAPTIONBAR is not set by any option through command line...
Since i can't build the setup.exe again so i have to have set this value at run time only by any mean...
Any way to do this ???

0 Kudos
Level 6

Hi Amit,

You haven't mentioned whether you have the Compressed or UnCompressed setup.

If your installer is uncompressed, look for the setup.ini file. You can find the Key
'CmdLine' under the session '[Startup]'. Add the required property value in the command line.

Hope this helps.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks... Setup.exe is uncompressed.. I tried to set the property using
CmdLine=TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=MyApp ... It's not working here... 😞

Could u tell me how to create a log file for setup.exe ... It would be helpful to debug it through log file...

setup.exe /s /L*v "C:\Logs\Mylog.log" is the coomand i am using to generate a log file ... but its not creating any log file at mentioned path.

0 Kudos
Level 5

Any update... ???

😞 😞
0 Kudos
Level 5

Hello... Its a installScript project... Thats why I think I am not able to set property through command line...

Please help
0 Kudos
Level 10

Look at the help topic "Setup.exe and Update.exe Command-Line Parameters". For InstallScript projects, use the /z command-line parameter to set the value of the system variable CMDLINE in your script.
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