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Level 3

How to run a bundled .exe before files are copied?

I'm working on an installer that asks for an Activation Code. I then need to call an .exe and pass it the activation code to check if it's valid / already been used / etc. This .exe makes some .NET web service calls so I couldn't use InstallScript language to check the activation code.

This .exe will be bundled in the installer, but I need to check the activation code before the files are actually installed. How can I access the bundled .exe before it's copied to the installdir? I guess when the installer first starts up all the files are extracted to a temporary directory I could access?

This is in an InstallScript MSI project.
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(2) Replies
Level 13

Place the files you need to test for activation in Support Files. These will get extracted to the SUPPORTDIR folder when setup starts and can be used by custom actions.
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Level 4

The temporary folder installer work with doesn't include files to install. But if you put files you need to run before installation into "Support Files" section, they will be available in this temporary folder before actual installation and you will be able work with them from here.
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