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Level 6

How to "phone home" from setup interview


I want to ask the user some questions (like how the product can be improved) in the setup interview and want to send these informations back to our company. Has anybody done this yet? How can I do this?

Thank you for any answer!
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Level 6

Hi Alibaba,
I thought about the same task some weeks ago and found one (not very clever) solution. You can use the user inputs to build a script file that you can pipe to telnet. If you have a webserver online you can send post reqeusts with your datas to your server. Check the last paragraph of .
I was wondering if there are some APIs (sockets, etc.) to use a network connection.
Keep me informed!
Level 4

Alibaba wrote:

I want to ask the user some questions (like how the product can be improved) in the setup interview and want to send these informations back to our company. Has anybody done this yet? How can I do this?

Thank you for any answer!

Why not just send an e-mail or contact an external http server if the user has internet connectivity? The code is conceptually easy...
