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Level 3

How to perform regasm on .NET assembly?

I use InstallShield 2009, IS-MSI project. I read that in order to register your .NET assembly to be available for the COM clients you need to follow those steps:

1. Create a component and add your assembly to it.
2. Set the Key file on the assembly.
3. Change the ".NET COM Interop" setting for the component to "Yes".

Apparently that should call regasm.exe on the assembly but it does NOT work in my case. When I call regasm from a command line it's fine. What do I miss?

Thanks for your help!
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

InstallShield uses the /regfile parameter for regasm. From "Note that the .reg file does not contain any registry updates that can be made by user-defined register functions." Perhaps your registration needs one of these?
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