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Level 4

How to install only the selected features?

I have a question regarding to the installation of the features using the Basic MSI. In my installer I have create new dialog that have 3 features that end user can select to install; A, B or C (check box selected). If end user only choose 1 or 2 features (not all) so only the selected features will be installed. Anybody know how to make it? I think I need to do some judgement at "Install" push button. But I dont know how to make the judgement to proceed it. Anybody can help me?

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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Typically you would add multiple ControlEvents to your Next button which each execute an AddLocal ControlEvent if the relevant property was set by the CheckBox.

Something like:
AddLocal, FeatureA, CHK_FEATURE_A
AddLocal, FeatureB, CHK_FEATURE_B
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