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Level 4

How to implement only one feature selected


I have created two features, how to make that only one feature can be selected not both?

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(2) Replies
Level 9

One possibility is that you could go into your Features node, select the featureName, whatever it be, that you don't want them to have a choice over and in the right-hand pane change the "Display" to "Not Visible". It will still install assuming everything else is equal, the user just will not see that one as a choice in the Feature Tree of the CustomSetup dialog.

I hope that is somewhat helpful.

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Level 9

If that is not what you are after then the INSTALLLEVEL might do the trick for you. INSTALLLEVEL is a bit tricky to understand initially but once you use it some it can be handy. There is a global INSTALLLEVEL for the whole project and then an INSTALLLEVEL for each Feature in your installer. Rather than retype the whole thing I'll link you to this information.

Since INSTALLLEVEL gets logged you can always look at the MSI install log to see what the values are for it.

I hope it helps.


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