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Level 2

How to enable IIS settings in Windows Server 2008 R2 x64

I was unable to use launchappandwait to enable one of the IIS settings Static Content in Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 either using pkgmgr / dism / launch batch file. I only able to do it without through Install Shield 2012 SP1. Is there anyway for me to enable IIS settings through install script? will this because the sysnative problem etc?
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Level 2

Here is my solution using ocsetup.exe instead pkgmgr.exe / dism.exe.
Probably can directly modify registry key to solve it.

LaunchAppAndWait("OCSETUP.exe", "IIS-StaticContent /passive /quiet /norestart", LAAW_OPTION_WAIT | LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN);
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