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Level 6

How to copy the files that are already in use?

I have used the XCopyFile function for copying some files from one location to another in our installer by using Installshield 2008. Now in production we found a bug like XCopyFile does not copy the file that is already getting used by some other application. So, i have a query like how to copy these type of files. I know that it is some generic type of question but i didn't find any way for copying these files.
Please let me know if some one have any idea or way for how to achieve this.
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Does the LOCKEDFILE flag help? The "XCopyFile" help topic has more information.
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Level 6

LOCKEDFILE flag is useful when our target file is getting used by some application and we want to overwrite it. But in my case source file is getting used by some application and can not be copied then.
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Level 6

I have used XCOPY command of OS through LaunchAPPAndWait and it works fine. But the same locked source file is not getting copied by XCOPYFile function. I am not getting this isuue. Why is it happening, is it a bug or something?
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