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Level 5

How to chain SetupPrerequesites

As far as I can remember I read in the release notes, that there is a possibility to chain the necessary PreRequisites. But I haven't found a description how yet.

Depending of the target environment there are up to 3 prequisites to be installed. That means for the customer he has to start setup up to four times.

Can someone help me out?
That would be really great!

I'm using InstallShield 2009 SP2.

Thanks in advance!:confused:
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(3) Replies
Level 17

There's a lot of documentation in the InstallShield Help Library about that feature. Here are links to a few help topics to get you started:

Note that the release notes also describe the chaining functionality that is new for Windows Installer 4.5. For information about that, see the following:

You might also want to check out the What's New in InstallShield 2009 help topic. It is basically a copy of the feature descriptions from the release notes. However, it also has hyperlinks to more info about each feature.
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Level 7

One thing to be aware of, Windows Installer version 4.5 is required to support chained installations. I don't know if that comes as part of Vista or not, but if you're running on Windows XP you'll have to install that first.
0 Kudos
Level 17

Right. Just to clarify, Windows Installer 4.5 is required for the Windows Installer chaining that is described in the last two help topics I listed above. Windows Installer 4.0 is what is shipped with Windows Vista.

Windows Installer 4.5 is not required for InstallShield prerequisites, which are described in the first four help topics above. However, InstallShield prerequisite installations are not processed as a single transaction (unlike for Windows Installer 4.5 chaining); that is, successful installations are not rolled back after failures in later prerequisites.
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