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Level 2

How to cancel copy one componet files?

I've created a installation, when i first install it, it will be installed some "components" in different folder.

Now, i install it again. when install it, i think it may show a dialog to judge that component is installed before or not. when i choose "YES", it will be overwrited."No", it will skip this "Component" files coping?

How can i do it? i don't know how to cance one component file coping?

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(3) Replies
Level 13

What kind of installation is this Kidroid?

In a basic MSI you will want to set a condition for the component and set the flag for Reevaluate Condition to True. That way on repair / reinstall the condition is always reevaluated despite the component files already being installed.

For the Yes/No dialog, you will set a property value based on the user's selection and that property will become the basis for your condition.

So, for example, I might use this condition:


REINSTALLME is a public property that I would set if the user clicks on Yes, and would delete if the user clicks on No.
0 Kudos
Level 2


But where i can set the components(features) flag? i can't found it in property list.

DLee65 wrote:
What kind of installation is this Kidroid?

In a basic MSI you will want to set a condition for the component and set the flag for Reevaluate Condition to True. That way on repair / reinstall the condition is always reevaluated despite the component files already being installed.

For the Yes/No dialog, you will set a property value based on the user's selection and that property will become the basis for your condition.

So, for example, I might use this condition:


REINSTALLME is a public property that I would set if the user clicks on Yes, and would delete if the user clicks on No.
0 Kudos
Level 13

Hello Kidroid,

Based on your reply, you must not be making a Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI installation. The component condition would be available to you there in the property list for each component.

For installscript you will need to do something different. The components in question must be part of a unique feature group, one in which you can set a particular feature to install or not install.

In the OnMaintUIBefore Event you can add the call to the Yes/No dialog and then set the FeatureSelectItem(szFeatureSource, szFeature, bSelected) to true or false based on the user's selection. You can find more information on FeatureSelectItem in the help documentation, you will need it to learn about the particulars of specifying nested features if that is your setup configuration.

If this does not answer your question please let us know what type of setup you are making. Pure InstallScript install, Basic MSI Install, or InstallScript MSI install.

I hope this helps.
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