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Level 2

How to Display a Dialog Before the Prerequisites?

To make a long story short, I have an install (Basic MSI project) where I need to inform the user of what is about to happen before it happens, including before the prerequisites start installing.

Is there a way I can cause a dialog to be displayed before the prerequisites get installed?

I tried moving the sequence of my dialog (in InstallUISequence) to be bumped to the top, but it still gets displayed after the prereqs.
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(2) Replies
Level 16

I can't tell what version of InstallShield you are using since you decided to post this over and over all over the place.

InstallShield 10.x-2008 use Setup.exe to deploy prereqs so it'll always happen before anything in side your MSI. However, InstallShield 2009 has the concept of Feature Prereqs that don't fire until after you pass through the UI sequence. This should be able to do what you want.
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Level 2

Sorry, I didn't know which place was the best to post it. I'm using InstallShield 2008 (and since it was a Windows Installer question, I also posted it in some Windows Installer-specific forums).

Thanks for the reply.
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