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Level 13

How to Detect if Network DTC Access is Enabled

How can I tell programmatically (via InstallScript or bat file) if 'Enable Network DTC access' is checked in 2003 Server (N/A to XP). This is found in Windows by going to Control Panel, Add Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components, Application Server, Details. This is not to be confused with the Registry keys in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC\Security which can be found on more Windows OS's. I have a Basic MSI project.
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Level 13

This is basically just a new way to do:
ServiceName -install
ServiceName -resetlog
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Level 16

I seem to remember it being a registry value. Use a registry snapshop/diff tool before and after enabling it in ARP and see the delta.

Also if memory serves, simply setting the registry value turns on DTC. ARP doesn't really do anything magical.
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