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Level 3

How do i install a file under Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework in VISTA

have a basic msi project and i want to install a file under

'Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\' in VISTA

How would I go about this?

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(2) Replies
Level 8

generally speaking you should not be installing anything to a system critical directory like the Windows directory or any subdirectory.

Those directories are generally reserved for system level files.

I have not tried accessing those directories under Vista, but I am betting you will hit an "access denied" error unless the installation is running as a user with full administrator rights.

You could try to access it by using the [WindowsFolder] property to get you the base path to Windows and just navigate from there.

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Level 6

You'll need to set the "Required Execution Level" to "Administrator" (in the release view) to be allow to put anything in such a restricted directory.

however i must agree with Lurean that this is a bad idea
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