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Help needed with x64 bit application to create a registery key into Wow6332Node?

Dear all!
I have read around Acresso Community Forum, but I didn't meet any thread fit to my problem now. Please kindly help me if you can.

There is my problem:
I creating an installer by InstallScript MSI to install an application on 64bit platform, and includes some proccess of vba excel 2003 in subfolder to access to install directory. This is my application folder tree

I use template "x64;1033" and set all components of installer project to "64bit Component" and accept the registery reflection. When I installed the application to 64bit machine, MyAppli.dll file worked normaly with registery setted (HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyProject\Install Directory "C:\MyAppli\Wnt\MyAppli.dll").
I know that the process of excel vba created for Excel2003File.xls can not access directly to registery key above, and if I create HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MyProject\Install Directory "C:\MyAppli\Wnt\MyAppli.dll" manualy, nothing happening wrong. But, even thought I created this registery branch in installer project, it not be created after I install the application.
Someone please tell me how to create this registery branch (HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MyProject\Install Directory "C:\MyAppli\Wnt\MyAppli.dll" ).

Thank you very much!
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I'm surprised that creating HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MyProject\Install Directory in a 64-bit component failed, but the "correct" way to do this is in a 32-bit component with the 32-bit path HKLM\SOFTWARE\MyProject\Install Directory. It's valid (and often expected) for 64-bit installs to contain 32-bit components.
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