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Level 4

Has anyone successfully used the "prqpath" parameter for ISCmdBld.exe?

I'd like to create a stand-alone build machine that can be shared by all of our configuration managers and developers to create a highly-managed, consistent product. I was therefore very excited when I read that InstallShield 2011 supports a new "-prqpath" parameter that "specifies one or more ... folders that contain the InstallShield prerequisite files (.prq) that are referenced by your project." Thus far, however, I haven't been able to make these work to access prerequisites in any location other than the default location (\SetupPrerequisites).
At first, I hoped that all that would need to be done would be adding the "-prqpath" parameter to the ISCmdBld command along with the UNC path to a network location containing all of our accumulated prerequisites, e.g., "ISCmdBld.exe ... -prqpath \\Syoung-pws2\SetupPrerequisites ...". When that resulted in a string of errors like:
"ISDEV : error -6003: An error occurred streaming 'D:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011 SAB\SetupPrerequisites\EntityFramework_CTP4.prq' into setup.exe"
and "ISDEV : error -7066: Your project contains a reference to the InstallShield prerequisite D:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011 SAB\SetupPrerequisites\EntityFramework_CTP4.prq; however, this file cannot be located. Either remove the InstallShield prerequisite from your project, or locate this file.",
I realized it wouldn't be that simple.
Next, I tried using the Prerequisite Editor to open the .prq files at the location referenced by the "-prqpath" parameter and adding the UNC path ("Path to Local File") for the specific files referenced by the .prq file. This, unfortunately, did not change the outcome -- I still get the same errors. (I should probably add that if I command "dir [UNC path]" from the command line on the build machine, the .prq files and subfolders are visible, and that if I copy the "SetupPrerequisites" folder from the network location to the default (local) location, everything works).
I have searched the Flexera knowledge base, the product Help files, and the Web for more details about how this parameter is intended to be used, but have so far been unsuccessful. One good example would probably be sufficient. Has anyone found the key to this? Thanks in advance to all who might have an answer to this.
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(22) Replies
Level 2

for me there was no big deal in getting this to work... i just extended the iscmdbld.exe program call with the -prqpath option and gave it the path to our .prq-files in our version control system. and in the prqs under version control i replaced the specific path with a relative path in format ".\#filename#" and then everything works quite fine, with IS2011 premier without Hotfix A

i admit, that i didn't read all of this topic, because its pretty much to red, but i felt like the problem isn't already solved
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Level 2

Hi Can anyone explain me how to add a redistributable(Microsoft visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable package (x64) with my build .
I am able to add this if I am using installshield premier version but I am using Standalone Build on my build machine I am not able to add this in my build .
I have kept my distributable under insllshileprerequisite folder(this is a prerequisite for build )
In my INI file configuration I tried with manyallu giving the path for this , Than also it could not be added , Only (vcredist_x86.exe) is copied to my build location but it could not added .
Plx help on this as i need to do it early .

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