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Level 4

HTTP server authentified access


I have built a release using 'Install From The Web' option to be able to download a setup.exe prior to download the rest of the files depending of the user choices.

If I use an HTTP server without any user and password, it works like a charm
(ie :

But if I use an HTTP server with user and password, I am not able to access my files (ie :

Of course, I tested my http configuration and everything is ok.

I saw an article in MSDN saying that IE no longer accepts url with user:password for security reason. Is it the same with IS 2008 ? If so, how can I deal with that ?

Thanks on advance for any help provided.

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Our downloads go through the user's default browser or IE in order to use any proxy configuration that may be necessary to use the internet. Thus we have probably inherited IE's unwillingness to use such URLs "for free". Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions on how to work around this other than no longer using the user/password restriction on your website. Perhaps someone else might have an idea?
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Level 4

Thanks Michael
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