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Level 6

GUI to select features for uninstall

Hi everyone,
i need some help concerning uninstallation. My project is a basic msi, on the start menu i have created a shortcut wich calls "msiexec.exe /x {productcode}" i.e the shortcut uninstalls the product. It prompts a Yes/no-GUI "are you sure you want uninstall...". Waht i need: After calling the shortcut for uninstall, the ms installer prompts me a GUI listing all my product feature and gives me the choise to select features to be uninstalled.
I read on this forum about the property REMOVE. On the direct editor there are a table named ControlEvent wich contains the dialog ReadyToRemove and the event Remove, i tried set Argument to "", to some features but this dosen´t work.
Any help would be greatly apreciated
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(17) Replies
Level 6

Any help !
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Flexera Alumni

Could you instead launch the normal maintenance mode for uninstalling features by changing the shortcut command to:

msiexec.exe /i [ProductCode]

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Level 6

Good idea ! Thanks Robert, it works
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Level 6

Hi Robert! Hi All!
can you please help me by resolving the following problem:
you sugged me a solution using the command: msiexec.exe /i [ProductCode]
When i select within the maintenance view 1 or 2 features for uninstalling it works fine. But the next time when i call the shortcut I dont´t get the maintenance view, insteat of that i get a progress bar wich itself dosen´t unintall the product but it tries to install it newly. Maybe after uninstalling some features the ProduchtCode has been changed. Is this right? If yes, how can i prevent changing ProductCode ?

Many thanks in advandce
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Level 6

Any help please !
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Level 6

Has somone any idea?
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Uninstalling removes the product from the machine, so that would be expected. msiexec /i launches the installation normally, so it will either go in to a fresh install if the product has been removed or maintenance if it has not been removed.

Maintenance mode doesn't normally do anything to your ProductCode.
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Level 6

Thanks bryanwolf,
but why even if the product not yet removed, msiexec /i [ProductCode], dosen´t call the maintenance mode?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Is this a really hard topic also for macrovision employees?
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Flexera Alumni

As Bryan says, maintenance mode should certainly not modify your product code value; perhaps change the msiexec command to include /L+*v C:\everything.log to generate log information whenever you launch the shortcut?

Alternatively, after a partial uninstall, what happens if you double-click the original MSI file again? That's equivalent to running msiexec /i {prod-uct-code}...
0 Kudos
Level 6

thanks RobertDickau!
"Alternatively, after a partial uninstall, what happens if you double-click the original MSI file again?"
->the maintenance mode starts!
I think any thing happens with the shortcut, below is a part of the log file:
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That log has almost no information in it. Can you try capturing a full log until the installation exits?
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Level 6

i hope you can get some information
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Not applicable

chbiki wrote:
i hope you can get some information

That log is not a partial uninstallation. It's a complete uninstall because the entire installation completed and the SetupCompleteSuccess indicated a user abort somehow.
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Level 6

thanks bryanwolf !
this a log for a partial uninstallation...
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Level 6

sorry, the log file hasen´t be attached.
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Not applicable

chbiki wrote:
sorry, the log file hasen´t be attached.

That's nearly the same log. That's not a partial uninstallation because the uninstall completed. If you look at the log you'll see that the action "InstallFinalize" completes and thus you're past any possibility of a rollback. Therefore, while the uninstall may have failed at the last possible second, the fact remains that it was in fact a complete uninstallation of your product.

The behavior you're seeing where clicking on the MSI again enters a fresh installation is correct.
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