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Level 2

Force uninstall/install - Minor upgrades

I have an appication that must be uninstalled then reinstalled when I release an update to the program.

I see I can tell IS to force uninstall/install for major upgrades. Is there a way to force the uninstall and install behavior when I run minor upgrades?

Any suggestions?

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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

For a minor upgrade, no, I think Windows Installer requires you to install over the existing version.
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Level 2


Thanks for your reply.

Since I cannot force an uninstall/install I may be able to accomplish it with custom actions.

For an upgrade what would you recommend for sequence and conditions (custom actions and sequences) so that they fire 1 at the start of the upgrade and one at the end of the upgrade. What I want to do is fire something to unreg my module as the upgrade starts and then once the files are deployed fire the 2nd action call the libs to reg the modules.


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Flexera Alumni

A minor upgrade still follows the InstallInitialize to InstallFinalize route, so the usual rules apply. The condition on the SetupResume dialog box is a good model for conditions to use on your custom actions.
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