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Level 2

Files are deleted after upgrade


I'm trying to do an upgrade and the files are getting deleted after upgrade.

- InstallShield Version 1.0 has a product.exe and product.dll which also their version set to 1.0
- I want to get InstallShield LE to upgrade (without uninstalling the previous version) and copy/replace the current files already installed on the target system.
- Based on information from the forums
- I change the version in installshield to 1.1
- I generate a new Product code, but not a Upgrade code
- Create a new UpgradeEntry in the UpgradePaths with the same upgrade code.
- Load the updated 1.1 file versions of product.exe and product.dll

To test
- Install 1.0, product.exe and product.dll are put on the target system and an entry for 1.0 is created in the Add/Remove programs.
- Install 1.1, which performs an upgrade. Entry 1.1 is created/updated in the Add/Remove program, and entry 1.0 is no longer there. That's all good. BUT, product.exe and product.dll have been removed from the target system.

Have I missed a step, I can see in the Files section that the "always overwrite" has been disabled, but based on the help the version checking should have updated the product.exe and product.dll and not deleted them.

Any help would be appreciated.

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(2) Replies
Level 6

on your upgrade path, what are the min and max versions set to?

if these values are not set correctly it can cause some issues.

min version should be 1.0 with include minimum version set to true.
max version should be 1.1 with include maximum version set to true. (the max version can be cleared out completely if you don't want to specify. The prevent downgrade action there will prevent it from installing over a later version.)
0 Kudos
Level 2

Tried different variations of min and max values and the files were still being deleted after an upgrade.

I then started a new project from scratch and was able to resolve the problem. Perhaps there was a setting in my old project which was triggering the deletion of the files.

Thanks for your help
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