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Level 6

FeatureReinstall during maintenance and upgrade.

I am using installscriptmsi type of installshield 2008 for my installer. I am facing problem using FeatureReinstall function. I am calling OnfirstUIBefore() and FeatureReinstall() functions in OnMaintUIBefore() and OnResumeUiBefore() functions. I have two feature in my project let say DB and APP. DB uses only sricpt for installation and App uses both script and MSI part for installation.

Problem: During first time installation if i install DB only and then on maintenance if i deselect DB and select APP for installation then during installation it executes the script part of App feature(App_Installing()) only. MSI part as deploying the files and updating XML files through XML file changes does not execute.
It is creating problem for installation.
And if i donot use FeatureReinstall function in maintenance then App feature installs properly as it is being installed for the first time. But i shall have to use this function as without reinstallation is not possible.
Can anybody help me how can i take control over these functionalities?
If more input is needed from my side then please let me know as it is urgent.

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Level 6

I have solved the above problem for OnMaintUIBefore. But i am unable to solve it for OnResumeUiBefore. I install DB on first time installation and then i build my code. Now installer runs on upgrade mode. So, it now enters through OnResumeUiBefore function. I am calling OnFirstUiBefore in this function. On "Select feature" screen i am selecting App now and deselecting DB. And this time what i am seeing that App_Installing and App_Installed is executing properly but the task related to the MSI as deploying files and XML files changes are not taking place.
Can any body please tell me why is it not installing App for OnResumeUiBefore but the same works for OnMaintUiBefore? Please respond this time as i am getting confused of all this.

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