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Level 6

Feature Events Creation Bug?

InstallScript MSI Project

Create a new feature with the following notation:

(This component name follows our namespace inside of CSharp)

When you go into the InstallScript Setup.Rul file and select the new project name from the event drop down list under the section "Move Data". When the new method is created, it will name it accordingly to whatever the feature is called.

Typically this isn't a problem, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like the InstallScript engine supports functions with periods in the name; therefore, shouldn't it automatically replace those periods with something it can understand instead of throwing compilation errors?
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

I've submitted this under issue IOA-000053233. You should be able to work around this behavior for now by renaming the feature events manually and selecting the renamed function in the appropriate feature event select in the Setup Design or Features view.
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