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Level 8

Executing SQL Scripts in InstallScript

In Basic MSI projects, I have never had a problem executing SQL scripts in the SQL Scripts view of the IDE.

I am working on an InstallScript project now, and am having problems using the SQL Scripts view. During installation, I get an error for a script that is populating a database. Now this script executes fine when I do it from SQL Server Management Studio, so I know it is okay.

From looking at previous posts, the opinion I have come to is that more success has been had when you make SQL calls from the script, rather than by using the SQL Scripts view.

Is that correct?
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Can you try running the script during login and see if it solves the issue? You can change the script execution option in the Script | Runtime tab of the SQL Scripts view. If the script contains multiple statements, please move the statement populating a database to a new script file, and have the rest of statements run during installation.
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Level 8

Thanks for the help. That solved the problem.
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