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Level 6


Today I created my first quick patch. The interesting I noted, was the mechanism to remove custom actions from a patch. It seems that this creates a property called "ExcludedCustomActions". I can't seem to find any documentation on this property.

Does anyone know if this can be used outside of quick patch projects? If I create a minor upgrade or a standard patch project, can I use this property? It seems very useful.

Thanks for the info
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I'd have to research to be sure, but I expect this property is just a record of which CAs were excluded using the QuickPatch functionality. There's nothing in Windows Installer itself that would respect this property to prevent an action from running.
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Level 2

Is there any way to prevent a custom action or standard action from executing during msp installation while the action has no condition in msi? 🙂
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