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Level 2

Errors Creating 64-Bit Install with the standalone builder.

I have using the following command line for the standalone builder and I getting two errors when I am attempting to create a 64Bit install (the 32bit works fine)...

ISDEV : error -6243: InstallUtilLib.dll cannot be located on your system. This file is required for Installer custom actions. You can set the path to InstallUtilLib.dll using Tools | Options and/or specify the path with the -t command line build option. The file is part of the Microsoft .NET Framework redistributable. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.3031964\
ISDEV : error -6241: Internal build error

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2013\System\IsCmdBld" -p C:\Git\Working\mpx\Installer\Installer.2013.64Bit.ism -o c:\cr9netmergemodules,"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules" -t "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319" -r "Release" -c COMP

Here is the output I am getting...

InstallShield (R)
Release Builder
Copyright (c) 2013 Flexera Software LLC.

All Rights Reserved.

Build started at Jul 28 2014 08:49 AM
Building Release: Release

Created release folders
ISDEV : warning -7235: InstallShield could not create the software identification tag because the Tag Creator ID setting in the General Information view is empty.
InstallShield Script Compiler
Copyright (c) 2013 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Setup.inx - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
Merging modules...
Merging ATL Module for Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2013\Modules\i386\ATL.MSM
Merging Registration Wizard module: c:\cr9netmergemodules\license.msm
Merging VC User ATL: C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2013\Modules\i386\VC_atl70.msm
Merging dotnetruntime: c:\git\working\mpx\installer\crystal9\crnetruntime.msm
Merging mapx: c:\git\working\mpx\installer\crystal9\mapping.msm
Merging reportengine: c:\git\working\mpx\installer\crystal9\reportengine.msm
File table successfully built
Building MsiFileHash table
MsiFileHash table successfully built
Class table successfully built
Extension table successfully built
ODBCDataSource table successfully built
ODBCDriver table successfully built
ISSQLScriptFile table successfully built
ISSQLScriptReplace table successfully built
ISSQLConnectionScript table successfully built
ISSQLConnection table successfully built
ISSQLConnectionDBServer table successfully built
ISSQLRequirement table successfully built
ISComPlusProxy table successfully built
ISComPlusApplication table successfully built
ISComCatalogCollection table successfully built
ISComCatalogCollectionObjects table successfully built
ISComCatalogObject table successfully built
ISComCatalogAttribute table successfully built
ISComPlusApplicationDLL table successfully built
ISComPlusServerFile table successfully built
ISComPlusProxyFile table successfully built
ISComPlusServerDepFile table successfully built
ISComPlusProxyDepFile table successfully built
ISXmlFile table successfully built
ISXmlElement table successfully built
ISXmlElementAttrib table successfully built
ISSearchReplaceSet table successfully built
ISSearchReplace table successfully built
ActionText table successfully built
AppSearch table successfully built
BindImage table successfully built
CCPSearch table successfully built
Condition table successfully built
AppId table successfully built
Started signing 292B.tmp ...
Property table successfully built
BBControl table successfully built
Billboard table successfully built
Embedding file C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2013\Redist\Language Independent\x64\ISBEW64.exe into isregsvr.dll
Binary table successfully built
CompLocator table successfully built
Complus table successfully built
ControlCondition table successfully built
ControlEvent table successfully built
CreateFolder table successfully built
CustomAction table successfully built
Error table successfully built
DrLocator table successfully built
DuplicateFile table successfully built
Environment table successfully built
EventMapping table successfully built
FileSFPCatalog table successfully built
Font table successfully built
ISBillBoard table successfully built
ISChainPackage table successfully built
ISChainPackageData table successfully built
ProgId table successfully built
ISComponentExtended table successfully built
ISCustomActionReference table successfully built
ISDRMFile table successfully built
ISFileManifests table successfully built
ISIISItem table successfully built
ISIISProperty table successfully built
ISLockPermissions table successfully built
ISNetworkShares table successfully built
ISObjectProperty table successfully built
ISSQLDBMetaData table successfully built
ISSQLScriptError table successfully built
ISScheduledTasks table successfully built
ISSelfReg table successfully built
ISSetupType table successfully built
ISSetupTypeFeatures table successfully built
ISVirtualDirectory table successfully built
ISVirtualFile table successfully built
ISVirtualPackage table successfully built
ISVirtualRegistry table successfully built
ISVirtualRelease table successfully built
ISVirtualShortcut table successfully built
ISXmlLocator table successfully built
IniFile table successfully built
IniLocator table successfully built
IsolatedComponent table successfully built
LaunchCondition table successfully built
LockPermissions table successfully built
MIME table successfully built
MoveFile table successfully built
MsiAssembly table successfully built
MsiAssemblyName table successfully built
MsiDigitalCertificate table successfully built
MsiDigitalSignature table successfully built
MsiDriverPackages table successfully built
MsiEmbeddedChainer table successfully built
MsiEmbeddedUI table successfully built
MsiLockPermissionsEx table successfully built
MsiPackageCertificate table successfully built
MsiPatchCertificate table successfully built
MsiServiceConfig table successfully built
MsiServiceConfigFailureActions table successfully built
MsiShortcutProperty table successfully built
ODBCAttribute table successfully built
ODBCSourceAttribute table successfully built
ODBCTranslator table successfully built
PatchPackage table successfully built
PublishComponent table successfully built
RegLocator table successfully built
Registry table successfully built
RemoveFile table successfully built
RemoveIniFile table successfully built
RemoveRegistry table successfully built
ReserveCost table successfully built
SFPCatalog table successfully built
SelfReg table successfully built
ServiceControl table successfully built
ServiceInstall table successfully built
Started signing 2A18.tmp ...
Started signing 2A2A.tmp ...
Shortcut table successfully built
Signature table successfully built
TextStyle table successfully built
TypeLib table successfully built
UIText table successfully built
Upgrade table successfully built
Verb table successfully built
_Validation table successfully built
Searching project for extract-at-build components...
Extracting COM data from 1 component(s)
New ProgId HHActiveX.GlossaryPane dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New ProgId HHActiveX.GlossaryPane.1 dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New ProgId HHActiveX.HHComponentActivator dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New ProgId HHActiveX.HHComponentActivator.1 dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New Class {399CB6C4-7312-11D2-B4D9-00105A0422DF} dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New Class {959F94FD-DD1E-11D2-B559-00105A0422DF} dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
New Registry Entries (23) dynamically acquired for component HHActiveX.dll
Building scanned MsiAssembly records
Building scanned MsiAssemblyName records
Adding Installer namespace CustomActions for .NET assemblies
ISDEV : error -6243: InstallUtilLib.dll cannot be located on your system. This file is required for Installer custom actions. You can set the path to InstallUtilLib.dll using Tools | Options and/or specify the path with the -t command line build option. The file is part of the Microsoft .NET Framework redistributable. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.3031964\
ISDEV : error -6241: Internal build error
Validating Custom Action sequencing
Validating architecture for custom actions.
Embedding manifest SetupExe.Invoker.manifest into setup.exe
Checking string table references...
Dialog AdminChangeFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog AdminNetworkLocation for language English (United States) built
Dialog AdminWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog CancelSetup for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomSetup for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomSetupTips for language English (United States) built
Dialog CustomerInformation for language English (United States) built
Dialog DatabaseFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog DestinationFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog DiskSpaceRequirements for language English (United States) built
Dialog FilesInUse for language English (United States) built
Dialog InstallChangeFolder for language English (United States) built
Dialog InstallWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog LicenseAgreement for language English (United States) built
Dialog MPX_ClientInfo for language English (United States) built
Dialog MPX_LicenseFile for language English (United States) built
Dialog MPX_ServerInfo for language English (United States) built
Dialog MaintenanceType for language English (United States) built
Dialog MaintenanceWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog MsiRMFilesInUse for language English (United States) built
Dialog OutOfSpace for language English (United States) built
Dialog PatchWelcome for language English (United States) built
Dialog ReadyToInstall for language English (United States) built
Dialog ReadyToRemove for language English (United States) built
Dialog SQLBrowse for language English (United States) built
Dialog SQLLogin for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupCompleteError for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupCompleteSuccess for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupError for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupInitialization for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupInterrupted for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupProgress for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupResume for language English (United States) built
Dialog SetupType for language English (United States) built
Dialog SplashBitmap for language English (United States) built
Resolving strings...
ISDEV : warning -3028: The string ID "CheckBox1" was not found in the string table. It is referenced in the table:"Control" in column:"Text".
Language English (United States) built
Building .cab files... built
Files built
Media table successfully built
Setup.exe created
Automatic update notification disabled
Default Configuration\Release - 2 error(s), 2 warning(s)
Log file has been created:

Build finished at Jul 28 2014 08:52 AM
Labels (1)
0 Kudos
(2) Replies
Level 2

I would really appreciate some help with this issue...

0 Kudos
Level 2

I have the same issue, anybody ever found solution?

0 Kudos