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Level 3

Error when removing a Suite installation

I'm currently developing a Suite Package that attempts to install several msi's wrapped in exe's.

For each package I've defined a detection condition that consists of the msi package code and added command line arguments for install and removal that look like:

/s /v"/qn"


/s /x /v"qn"

It's working fine apart from when I install a package independently of the suite package.

If I install a package before running the Suite and then run the Suite I get the option to Modify/Repair/Remove. Modifying the Suite doesn't put down the package as it satisfies the detection condition but when I attempt to Remove the Suite, I get the error:

The installation of [PackageName] appears to have failed. Do you want to continue the installation?

I think I've encountered this error, after installing a Suite package, when I defined a detection condition that still wasn't satisfied after installation.

Does anyone know where I might be going wrong or is this a limitation?

Should I be changing the detection condition of my packages or not making them Primary packages?

Thankyou for any help anyone can give my on this,
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(7) Replies
Level 13

My Suite allows the user to install manually outside the suite. Please verify that you have 'Repair' and 'Modify' set to 'No' for each package.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for your response rguggisberg,

I removed the options to Modify and Repair from my Suite Packages and tried again installing a package out of the Suite. When I then Remove the package through the Suite installer I still get the error:

The installation [PackageName] appears to have failed.

I'm currently doing my testing with just one package that doesn't need updating so maybe it will resolve itself when I start testing with more packages, which, may or may not be newer versions than those already installed.
0 Kudos
Level 8

If you run a suite, the setup.exe checks the detections for all primary packages. If it finds one it goes to maintenance mode.

I think you have two options, define these packages a "dependency" or modify the detection mode.


0 Kudos
Level 13

JamesPritchard wrote:
Thanks for your response rguggisberg,

I removed the options to Modify and Repair from my Suite Packages and tried again installing a package out of the Suite. When I then Remove the package through the Suite installer I still get the error:

The installation [PackageName] appears to have failed.

I'm currently doing my testing with just one package that doesn't need updating so maybe it will resolve itself when I start testing with more packages, which, may or may not be newer versions than those already installed.

You may have another problem. What do you have for:
Remove - Target\and
Remove - EXE Command Line
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi rguggisberg,

For the Removal of the package I've simply defined the target as the package executable [PackageName].exe

and set the Command line as

/s /x /v"qn"

0 Kudos
Level 13

Use this for command line
-uninst /S /vqn
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the suggestion rguggisberg,

I tried what you said and tested installing and removing through the Suite installer. With the command line you gave me
-uninst /S /vqn
along with other variations. I also tried
/s /uninstall /v"/qn"
. All of these failed to remove my product. The only command line that works for me to remove the package in the Suite was my original commands:
/s /x /v"/qn"

I think I will look at making only our main package a Primary package and set the option in the Suite project to not add an entry in the Add/Remove programs. This will hopefully limit the possibility of users getting errors when they remove our software.

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