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Level 6

Error -7001 when trying to compile a script file

I have been working on a couple of basic MSI installations and a couple of weeks back one of them thru the error -7001. The complete test is
"During the last build, the msi file was only partially built. In order to stream the script into the msi file you must have a complete msi file. Build a complete ........ "
Anyway I have done many complete builds using the build button. When I build it will complie the script and work fine but when I just make a script change and want to compile it to make sure I have no errors I get this message and cannot do it. Now it happens on every msi project I open. Does anyone have a clue why I'm getting this message?

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(3) Replies
Level 6

So can I assume nobody else has this problem of nobody knows the answer?
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Level 2

I am experiencing the same error. I can get the error to go away by removing the custom action that I created for the InstallScript. I don't actuall get the error when I build the project, only when I click the compile button. The script runs fine when I click the run button but doesn't work when I install using the MSI build.
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Level 2

I just recently upgraded to IS 2012 Spring and now I am getting this error as well. What I did to fix this was close IS2012 Spring, delete the project’s release folder (i.e. where my project gets built) and all of its contents, then reopen the project and build the release. For example, if I have a project called ProgramABC and I build my release in the C:\Releases folder then I would delete the C:\Releases\ProgramABC folder after shutting down IS 2012 Spring.

Hope this works for you!
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