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Level 9

Error -4303 - synchronizing file keys

I am trying to create a minor update install to our previously release product, but when I build the install I get the following:
ISDEV : fatal error -4303: An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing file key %1 in component %2

I did make some minor changes, but none of the key files changed.

How can I find out what file key it is complaining about as it does not show that information in the error? Is there anything that I can do to solve this error?

Thanks for any help.
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(4) Replies
Level 6

I get the same error message while building a downloader setup in IS 2009 Premier Edition. A few minutes ago I built a complete setup without problems. I didn't change anything after the complete setup build...

okay was my fault, forgot to delete link to previous package because I made a MU and there were components missing.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Alibaba wrote:
[...]forgot to delete link to previous package because I made a MU and there were components missing.

My next version will be a Major Upgrade from the last, but it uses Dynamic File Linking, so it requires the previous package.

Any hints or wisdom for tracking down what names/strings are supposed to replace %1 & %2?
ISDEV : fatal error -4303: An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing file key %1 in component %2

Happy / Merry 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 3

I added the -v flag to the build command line hoping for more/useful info...
[FONT="Courier New"][...]
Synchronizing file keys
Update file key information from '_9DC13D6AD418775A70299AD548BA803C' to '_87099B81675CBB7074D3DBF0AE78095F'
[...more similar lines...]
Update file key information from '_8970020B7FCC5684FD7E0D159510C138' to '_516FA89AD603B8B06DD0A471373812F3'
ISDEV : fatal error -4303: An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing file key %1 in component %2
Windows Installer Error 2210: C:\...\\Full\Web\DiskImages\DISK1\.msi, 7
Creating path "C:\...\Full\Web\LogFiles"
Full\Web - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Deleting folder "C:\...\Full\Interm\MergeModules"
================= Logging stopped at 12/25/2009 02:11:05 PM ==================
Log file has been created:

Windows Installer Error Messages shows 2210 as
Database: [2]. Invalid update data type in column [3].

So if this is the correct decode, I get that it doesn't like some "update data type" in some column 7.

FWIW, I see _516FA89AD603B8B06DD0A471373812F3 in my previous/reference MSI's MsiFileHash table and _8970020B7FCC5684FD7E0D159510C138 in my just-built MSI's MsiFileHash table, but that table has only 6 columns

Any ideas?
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This may be a change in the number of files contained in the installation package, which has changed the type of the last column in the file table.

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