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Level 7

Error 2762 when running patch

I am getting the

Error 2762. Cannot write script record. Transaction not started.

when executing my patch. All the reading I have done shows this is due to a custom action being incorrectly sequenced.

Problem is I do not HAVE any custom actions. All my functionality is driven by isntallscript in an InstallScript MSI project. I have not written any custom actions.

Can someone help me as to what is going wrong here?
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

This error can only be caused by a deferred custom action sequenced outside of the InstallInitialize/InstallFinalize range in the execute sequence. It is possible, depending upon what functionality you are using in InstallShield, that a custom action was added to the project or built MSI.

At what point during the installation does this error occur? Does it occur before the SdPatchWelcome dialog is displayed, or during the file transfer phase when the STATUSEX dialog is displayed? This will help to isolate which sequence to look at.

Have you tried creating a verbose log of the patch install? This should indicate which action tried to run when the error occurred.

Does the upgraded MSI package install without this error over the base MSI package?
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Level 7

Does the upgraded MSI package install without this error over the base MSI package?

NO. The same error is shown after the Resume Welcome dialog, during "Validating Install" progress bar status.

I took another look at the install build and found a warning that is relevant.

ISDEV : warning -6524: The Custom Action ISSQLServerRollbackLoginInfo in the InstallExecuteSequence table is deferred and must be sequenced between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize. Ensure that the Custom Action is sequenced properly and that the base actions exist in the sequence.

Again, I have not modified ANYTHING in the CustomActions and Sequences section of this project. If I take a look at the CA mentioned, "ISSQLServerRollbackLoginInfo", it is sequenced immediately BEFORE the InstallInitialize

After moving this CA down one level, immediately AFTER the InstallInitialize, the upgrade install worked.

Patch install is also no longer showing the mentioned error.

Whilst I am unsure how the IS generated CA is incorrectly positioned, thankyou for the solution
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