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Level 2

Error 1309 while installing Oracle 10g Istant Client

I created the Oracle Istant Client as a doc on knowledge base describes,i add it as a redistributable into my project but when I run it and it starts instaling Oracle Instant Client the instalation gives me the error 1309 which describes that it can not find some files in a temp folder i have three options:Abort,Retry,Ignore

My application can't run without Oracle 10g what should I do ???

I Also tried to run Oracle Istant Client alone and had no problem

Im confused please help

Best Regards
Yannis -Greece
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(2) Replies
Level 4

We're getting this too. First noticed it on Vista, now seeing it on XP.

What's weird is, this is a Windows Mobile installation. I run the installer *.MSI from pen drive F: and it looks like almost immediately after the installation completes on the device, I get a dialog like the attached dialog capture.

InstallShield is looking on F:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\zTestMe, but that is NOT the destination drive! Furthermore, the file it is trying to access is within a Windows Mobile CAB file!

I'm going to have to open another support ticket, not so much for this error as for the fact that Windows Mobile installations built by InstallShield 12 do install the app on XP, but not at all on Vista, regardless of whether stuff is signed or not.

First CAB signing didn't work and many of us spent several days determining that InstallShield was moving the CAB into the main installation package first, THEN signing it. Clearly nobody even so much as tested it before releasing. Then we find they're aware of it and send us a DLL file to patch the system. If they knew about the bug and had a fix, why wasn't it posted?

I don't know what's going on here, but we have work to do, and that work is not supposed to be debugging an app that cost us $3000 for a single license.
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Level 17

Regarding the Oracle Instant Client, does the error occur if you remove the Oracle Instant Client prerequisite from your setup (if you only install your main setup)?
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