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Level 4

Error 1304

Hello all
I recently got the following error during the execution of my installation

Error 1304.error writing to file verify you have access to that directory.

(No option to ignore this message)

It occurs when my installation tries to write a few files on the root drive i.e. C:. I checked for file permissions. everything was ok. executed the installation from an administrator account. could manually create files on C: as well.
The microsoft site says it is a problem with the cd rom.


System was MS 2000 Professional SP4..

Please help.

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(3) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Does the local system account (SYSTEM) have access to the locations you are trying to install to on the C: drive? (The Windows Installer service is always run under the local system account.)
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Level 4

yes it has all rights. checked many times. also logged in from an administrator account. even was able to create files manually on the same location.
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

You may want to try using the Process Monitor utility from SysInternals to monitor file system access for msiexec.exe. Any failed accesses to the file system could provide some additional information as to why this is an issue.
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