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Level 7

Empty directory deleted on uninstall

I have an InstallScript MSI project.

During the installation process, I determine the location of excel and put an vba excel plugin into the XLSTART directory of Excel.

During uninstall, this vba excel plugin is removed from the XLSTART directory, but if it is the one and only file in the XLSTART directory, the directory is deleted as well. The next start of excel makes a repair install of it and recreates this directory.

Is there a way to hinder InstallShield in deleting an empty directory on uninstall?
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(1) Reply
Level 7

I tried to set the "Permanent" flag to Yes for the XLSTART flag, but this makes InstallShield to also keep the containing file, the excel plugin.

I think the last solution is to add a script which recreates the XLSTART folder after uninstall...
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