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Level 2

Dynamic File Link Prompt / Dialog

I've been searching for information on this for the past 2 hours and haven't been able to come across anything of use at this point. This question has been asked several times but there have been "no" solutions for it, I'm wondering if anyone has a clue how to fix this:


Issue/Question: When a folder is dragged to InstallShield Developer (in the Files and Folders section of Application Data), a prompt appears to allow you to indicate if a dynamic link should be created.

This prompt has a "Do not show me this again" checkbox.

Once this prompt is 'checked' how can you change it back so the prompts come back?


Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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Level 17

That's a registry setting. For instructions on how to get the dialog box back, see this thread:

Debbie Landers
Macrovision Corporation
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