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Level 3

DoInstall not synchronous when executing in a Removable drive

I'm facing this problem in InstallShield 2008 that I did not observed in InstallShield 6.31 version. When I execute a child setup from a Removable drive with the following code:

nRet = DoInstall ( szPath ^ "setup.inx", szParam, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT );

This instruction does not wait until the child setup finishes, and then I face a lot of problems. My installer calls more than 60 child setups, and due to this problem several child setups start to execute at the same time. I've tried to use the parameter /clone_wait, but sometimes hangs occurr in parent installer, specially when child setups end executing

nRet = DoInstall ( szPath ^ "setup.inx", "/clone_wait", LAAW_OPTION_WAIT );

Is there an hotfix for this problem ? I'm running out of ideas to solve this issue.
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Level 3

Any clues ?
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The normal method of waiting for a setup built with recent versions of InstallShield, when that setup is run from removable media, is to pass the /clone_wait parameter. Setups on removable media run from a temp location to avoid prompts from Windows on long multi-disk setups to insert DISK1.

Since DoInstall is now nothing more than a wrapper around LaunchApplication, can you try calling LaunchApplication instead (pass the name and path to your setup.exe's), and pass the /clone_wait parameter?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I've tried several approches, with /clone_wait

szParam = szParam + " /clone_wait";
nRet = LaunchApplication( szPath^"Setup.exe", szParam, "", SW_SHOWDEFAULT, INFINITE, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT);


nRet = LaunchApplication( szPath^"Setup.exe", szParam, "", SW_SHOWDEFAULT, INFINITE, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT | LAAW_OPTION_WAIT_INCL_CHILD);

The parent installer sometimes hangs in LaunchApplication or DoInstall, after several child setups were called. In my case, I've more than 60 child setups and this configuration was working well for some years with InstallShield 6.

I do not face this hang when I execute the installation from the hard drive, only from a removable drive or from a CD.
0 Kudos
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Note that it is normal for a setup that runs from temp to not exit immediately after the setup has completed. This is due to clean up attempts on the temp setup.exe that may take a few seconds. This should not take more than a few seconds when each setup exits.

Can you reproduce this behavior with a sample project? If so, can you attach the sample to this thread?
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